Casseta & Planeta is a Brazilian group of comedians who run a TV show named Casseta & Planeta Urgente, broadcast by Rede Globo. The humour featured on the show is mostly satirical, relating to religious or ethical groups, and minorities (Portuguese, Jewish, politicians, homosexuals, drunkards, Gaucho, natives of Bahia, Argentines, and others).
The group founded a company called Toviassu Produções Artísticas (Toviassu Artistic Productions), whose name is an acronym composed of syllables from the phrase "Todo viado é surdo" – "Every gay is deaf"; which is the ending of a widely known Brazilian practical joke. Each one of the seven members has a specific function within the company. They present their TV show at Rede Globo and publish a website and many books, among other products, for example the "Machobol" (a parody of frescobol which is a game similar to tennis played in Brazilian beaches).
Originally a magazine named Casseta Popular and a humour newspaper called O Planeta Diário (in a nod to Clark Kent's Daily Planet), the two teams joined forces and were hired by Rede Globo to become writers for the network's comedy shows, starting with TV Pirata in 1988. A few years later, they starred in their own show.
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In April 1988, Rede Globo premiered a new weekly comedy series on their Tuesday prime time slot called "TV Pirata" (Pirate TV). The show was written by Casseta Popular and Planeta Diario writers and consisted of a new approach in Brazilian comedy with sketches spoofing pop culture, Brazilian society and social life, "novelas" (soap operas), politics, celebrities and others with a fresh no-nonsense style of comedy (borrowing from Saturday Night Live and Monty Python's Flying Circus); This style of sketch comedy was considered fresh and groundbreaking for Brazilian audiences who weren't accostumed to such thing. The show started slow, but progressively, it became a cultural phenomenon. The program also featured dramatic actors like Debora Bloch, Marco Nanini, Cláudia Raia and Ney Latorraca in comedic roles instead of the dramatic roles they usually performed. Some of the performers, however, went on to play more comedy roles later in their careers. The show ended in 1990, due to various cast changes and ratings decline; It was revived briefly in early 1992, being cancelled for good just a few months later. The TV show, however, became a cult and a landmark in Brazilian comedy as there has never been a show like it before or since.
Casseta & Planeta Urgente is one of the most popular humour shows in Brazilian TV being the next generation of TV Pirata, the late 1980s comedy show on the same network. This is easy to see because it has the same style and the same cast of writers. Casseta is popular because there isn't anything that escapes from their satires. A good clue for Casseta's popularity is that their jokes are popular in the entire country.
There are also some satire versions of people that are known in Brazil like:
It's also a trademark of Casseta & Planeta to parodize Globo's current main soap, incluinding parodies of the episodes that just have been aired in the hour before.
Casseta & Planeta also released several best-selling humorous books, a few music albums and the movies Seus Problemas Acabaram (Your Troubles Are Finished) (2006) and A Taça do Mundo é Nossa (The World Cup is Ours), which takes places in the early 1970s, the age of the military dictatorship in Brazil.